Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sunday Stills - Religion

The new challenge theme this week on Sunday Stills was Religion. I knew that we have a large collection of some of the coolest churches for architecture in the mid-west.

I took my wife Andrea out on a crappy day and struck gold at our first stop. We decided to go to St. Joseph Cathederal in Downtown Columbus. The church was built in 1866 and is the oldest standing church in our fair city.

When we pulled up, we were also right in the middle of a TEA party parade to bring notice that Americans are sick of being taxed to death on of all days... IRS tax deadline, April 15th! I snapped a few shots of the crowd as well.

It was a true blessing to be able to see the church in all of its glory and from what I could tell, the way it has been seen for over 130 years.

Here are more shots from the church.


  1. It was nice to go with my husband to take photos together. This church was so beautiful!

  2. Lovely photos. Perfect themed photo choices.


  3. That is indeed a beautiful church! Thank-you for sharing.

  4. Carrol beautiful shots the church is beautiful.

  5. Beautiful first one! :)

  6. Wow!! Beautiful church!!!

    Mine is up over at the photo blog.

  7. Lovely alter, nice collection of photos~

  8. WOW! What a beautiful old church!

  9. A beautiful old church with a very festive looking interior:)

  10. I love the old architecture. I especially love those big solid arch shaped doors.
