Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Stills - Wild Flowers

This week has been crazy, I ordered a new Iphone 3 Gs (32 gig) and it came in about a week before it was supposed too. So of course, I had to sync it to my outlook calendar and contacts (I have a ton!) and I had to check out all the apps that I To say the least,I almost missed posting this weeks photos.

This weeks challenge for the Sunday Stills was a little tough. It was for "Wild Flowers" and not for garden shots. I only have a few that I would consider to post and have included a decent shot, even though it is more "weed" than Wild Flower.

I love all the color that we get in the spring here in Ohio. Most of the Wild Flowers that I see are in my un-mowed back yard... My yard as a 45* incline and is a bear to mow. I have a friend do it for me once a month from a landscape company that he owns. The price is great and I get to keep the city man off my

Be sure to check out my wife's blog as well!


  1. Nice shot, Our yard in Tennessee is a bear to mow too, its on a hillside and can only be done half with the riding mower, I feel for my Dad since he's the one who has to mow it..:-)

  2. Carrol I love how you can make a weed look like a beautiful flower! Your shots really are great!

  3. oooh the new iphone, how exciting :)
    nice photo :)

  4. Looks like wild clover. Lovely.

  5. Love the shock of pink/purple amongst all the green. :)

  6. you do make a weed look beautiful husband!

  7. Lovely shot!

    weeds ARE wildflowers and they serve a way important role in feeding, housing and protecting our wildlife. Bugs need them for shelter and reproduction, birds need them for feed and they help to reduce erosion.

  8. My mare and I always love the clover!
    Wa mare and KacyK

  9. The reason my gardens are so wild is I leave in all the blooming weeds too!! Great clover shot.

  10. any flower weed or not is beautiful! Great shot!

  11. Clover ..this old farm girls favorite! Have you ever taken a clover bloom and pulled off the petals and eaten just the very ends..they are very sweet, it is a "taste" from my childhood that was brought back by your photo..Thanks! :)

  12. The clover is lovely! If only your association would allow you not to mow an incline and let it all go to wildflowers!
